CannaMLS ID: 6969

Cannabis Retail Facility for sale in MT 59901

3 State Investment Opportunity (MT, AZ, NY)

Created  | Updated 


$ 3,000,000

We are looking for an investor to expand operations in three states. We have licenses in two states and are leasing the third. We have been in business for 3 ye

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Stock image generated by CannaMLS. Request listing photos from seller.


  • Property is: For sale

    The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.

  • Property type: Agriculture, Industrial, Retail


We are looking for an investor to expand operations in three states. We have licenses in two states and are leasing the third. We have been in business for 3 years and are looking for the right partner to take us to the next level. Please call/email for more information.

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