CannaMLS ID: 13341

Cannabis Cultivation Property for sale in Soap Lake, WA 98851

Tier 3 Producer License and Facility

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$ 1,200,000

Tier 3 Washington State Producer License + 20 Acre Plot  6,500 sq ft indoor grow space 67,000 sq ft outdoor grow space 3 indoor grow spaces + office ar

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  • Property is: For sale

    The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.

  • Property type: Agriculture, Industrial

  • Purchase price: $ 1,200,000

  • Lot size (acres): 20

  • Building size (sq ft): 6,500


Tier 3 Washington State Producer License + 20 Acre Plot 

6,500 sq ft indoor grow space

67,000 sq ft outdoor grow space

3 indoor grow spaces + office area

80ft high tunnel

3bd 2 bath home

private unmonitored well 66gal/min

Would also entertain sale of license only. 

Property is owned 

Contact Seller

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