Cultivation Specialty Indoor Business CALL FOR OFFERS OCT 31st (Riverside County, CA)

CannaMLS ID: 14139
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Price: $1

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State / annual license granted

Price: $1

Listing Status: For Sale

Fully Operational Annual Cannabis Cultivation Specialty Indoor Business CALL FOR OFFERS OCT 31st (Riverside County, California) #1530


Great opportunity for someone looking to expand their canopy space in Riverside County! This is a fully operational and licensed cannabis cultivation business. The owner has already secured their Annual State License from the Department of Cannabis Control, representing significant value. 

Located on a 2,400 sq. ft. space, the business is equipped with 32 flower lights, with the option to implement a double stack system for a total of 64 lights. Perfectly suited for growers focused on quality over quantity, this setup offers an ideal environment for premium product cultivation. By acquiring this business, you save hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours compared to starting from scratch. The current owner also holds the real estate, allowing for flexible rental negotiations.


Building Details: 

Space: 2400 SqFt

Rent: TBD

Lease: Long Term Lease Available 

Ceiling Height: 19’

Power: 400 AMPs

Roll-Up Door: 1 

Assigned Parking Spaces: 2 Front + Additional Parking

Zoned for Distribution 

Cultivation Details:

Flower Rooms: 2

Nursery Room

Veg Room

Cure Room

Flower Lights: 32 (16 HPS / 16 LEDs)

New Owner Could Double Stack & Add 32 More Lights

# of Employees: 3

Harvests: 8 Per Year Potential to do 10

Avg Price Per lb: $700-$800/lb


Cultivation Specialty Indoor: 501 to 5,000 SqFt of Canopy


Asking Price: CALL For Offers Deadline: October 31st @ 6 PM

Must sign an NDA/Waiver and have proof of financials before any other detailed information is released. This listing is Fully Exclusive only by Green Life Business Group, Inc.

Green Life Business Group, Inc DRE CA LIC# 02061374

Eric Espinoza, DRE CA LIC# 02077927

If you have any questions Call Eric (858) 245-6324


Green Life Business Group Inc. we are here to both help you sell or buy a cannabis business opportunity.

Listing Details

Listing Status
For Sale

Riverside County , California 92501

Date Listed For Sale:

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