Indoor Cannabis Cultivation Business For Sale (Los Angeles, California) #1538

CannaMLS ID: 14158
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Price: $399,000

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License Status
State / annual license granted

Price: $399,000

Listing Status: For Sale

Indoor Cannabis Cultivation Business For Sale (Los Angeles, California) #1538

Great opportunity for anyone that is looking to expand their cultivation canopy footprint in LA! The business is not operational, the license is valid and the new owner would have to do an Entity Substitution and the transfer process to move the license to a new entity. The owner could assist with the license transfer. In order to become operational the new owner has to complete the buildout to get the operating permit, and the facility is 80% completed so far. This is a great opportunity for someone that is looking for a clean canvas, with no tax exposure or liabilities by thew previous entity since this will have to be a new business entity. 



Space: 22,500 SqFt

Rent: TBD

Lease: TBD

Ceiling Height: 20’ (Could Double Stack)

Power:  400 AMP 3 Phase 240v & 300 AMPS Single Phase 120v (Qualifies for 2000 AMP Upgrade)

8 Flower Rooms-Built Out

2 VEG ROOMS-Built Out

1 Mother Room-Built Out

Could fit up to 700 Lights

Parking Spaces: 13 Inside Gated  

Not Operational


Cultivation- Small indoor – 5,000 SqFt of Canopy


Asking Price: $399,000.00 (Seller Open to Offers) 

Must sign an NDA/Waiver and provide Proof of Financials before any other detailed information is released, along with the company’s location. This listing is Fully Exclusive only by Green Life Business Group, Inc.

Green Life Business Group, Inc DRE CA LIC# 02061374

Drew Mathews, DRE LIC CA# 02091143

If you have any questions Call Drew at (619) 653-0483

Or Email :

Green Life Business Group Inc. we are here to both help you sell or buy a cannabis business opportunity

Listing Details

Listing Status
For Sale

California 90001

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