8650 Highway 234 in Gold Hill! Owner carry! Tier 2 license available! Water rights! EFU zoning!

CannaMLS ID: 8536
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Price: $784

Listing Details

Listing Category

License Status
State / annual license granted

Price: $784

Listing Status: Sold

 Looking for a turn-key marijuana business w/ seller financing available? If so, this is the one for you! Few of the many features this beautiful property has to offer is EFU zoning, 18+ acres of pastureland (5 irrigated acres - Owner is in the water permit stage and currently in the process of getting the water right certificate), Tier 2 license, 1700+ sq ft manufactured home (3 bed w/ an office, 2 full bathrooms, spacious master & kitchen, open floor plan), detached 2 car garage, newer 2600 sq ft built steel building (3 rooms), newer built 30x96 ft NextG3n internally depping greenhouse, leased 19 camera security system, two 6000 gallon tanks, one 2500 gallon tank, one 1000 gallon Conical tank, shipping container, multiple sheds, gated entryway, and much more! All outbuildings are connected to the well. Such an easy opportunity for a marijuana grower to immediately continue this farm while enjoying some of the best views of Table Rock that Southern Oregon has to offer! Contact your agent today, before it's too late!

Listing Details

Listing Status

Gold Hill, Oregon 97525

Date Listed For Sale:

Date Last Updated:

Property Details

Buiding Size (sq ft)
1728 sq ft

Lot Size (acres)
0 acres

Built out / Turnkey

Pricing Details

Listing Price

Property Purchase Price

Lease Terms:

Minimum of $125,000 down, interest rate negotiable, and pay off time to be no longer than 10 years.





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