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Adult-Use Provisioning Center available for sale - includes the Adult-Use License and Leasehold Rights (Real Estate Excluded). It is 1 of 4 Provisioning Center licenses issued in the limited market of Chesterfield Township. A long-term Lease is in place for 20 years and starts at $16,670 per month + NNN with annual increases. Currently under construction, this ground-up building will be delivered in white-box form and will be ready for immediate Tenant work and branding by first quarter of 2025. This freestanding building features prominent signage and 50 parking spaces. In addition, the Landlord will be building a 2nd retail building behind the site with its own parking lot that will bring a co-tenancy synergy to the site. Located on the heavily traveled Gratiot Avenue, with a daily traffic count of 19,816+ vehicles per day, offering excellent brand exposure and plenty of daytime traffic. Great synergy in the immediate marketplace surrounded by a dense residential population and several national tenants. View Marketing Package Here
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A long-term Lease is in place for 20 years and starts at $16,670 per month + NNN with annual increases.
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