Oakland County - Confidential Provisioning Center

CannaMLS ID: 13567
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Price: $8,250,000

Listing Details

Listing Category

License Status
Municipal / local license granted
State / annual license granted

Price: $8,250,000

Listing Status: For Sale

Rare opportunity for a flagship location! Located in the heart of one of Oakland County's high-income suburbs, it is one of a select few Provisioning Center's in the immediate area.

Operating Adult-Use/Medical Provisioning Center available for sale - Business/License & real estate available. Buyer has the option to purchase the Business/License and lease the real estate. Approximately $1M +/- worth of inventory can be purchased separately.

Opened for business in late 2021, with a steady monthly increase in sales. This location is currently averaging north of $500,000 per month in revenue and has room for improvement.

Current ownership operates near a 60% gross profit margin, making this a more attractive value-add opportunity than the model of 35-45% gross profit margin for most other Michigan Provisioning Centers.

Freestanding building that was brand-new ground-up construction before its opening in 2021.

The site includes 22 parking spaces, plus ample street parking, and a prime monument sign for excellent brand exposure.

Great synergy in the immediate marketplace surrounded by a dense high-income residential population, as well as, several national/regional tenants.

Listing Details

Listing Status
For Sale

Michigan 00000

Date Listed For Sale:

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Property Details

Buiding Size (sq ft)
3537 sq ft

Pricing Details

Listing Price

Seller Financing Available?





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