CannaMLS ID: 4624
Created | Updated
$ 2,500,000
Asking Price: $2,500,000, Land Contract available with 50% down Parcel ID: 12-00-785-70-021 Acreage: 0.74 Qualifies for: Medical Class C Cultivating and Proc
Address: 2530 22nd Street
Property is: For sale
The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.
Property type: Mixed use
Building size (sq ft): 14,134
Address: 2530 22nd Street
Property is: For sale
The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.
Property type: Mixed use
Building size (sq ft): 14,134
Asking Price: $2,500,000, Land Contract available with 50% down
Parcel ID: 12-00-785-70-021
Acreage: 0.74
Qualifies for: Medical Class C Cultivating and Processing
Permits include: Medical Class C Cultivation and Processing
Guaranteed: Recreational Approvals