CannaMLS ID: 10251

Cannabis Farm Facility for sale in Jacksonville, OR 97530

40 Acres Irrigated Farmland Riverfront EFU For Lease Hemp Permit

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Property is zoned EFU and has water rights for the entire acreage from the Applegate River. Sand Filtration and Pump station installed and setup for drip irr

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  • Property is: For sale

    The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.

  • Property type: Agriculture

  • Lot size (acres): 40


Property is zoned EFU and has water rights for the entire acreage from the Applegate River.

Sand Filtration and Pump station installed and setup for drip irrigation with outlets on either side of the field to feed header pipes

High flow irrigation system can drip the entire acreage simultaneously 

Has current permit for Hemp Production

Please send me an email describing your intentions and I will respond

Lease rate and terms are negotiable

Many options available including equipment and buildings

There is also a house on an adjacent property that could potentially be leased

Contact Seller

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