CannaMLS ID: 10736
Created | Updated
$ 450,000
40k sq’ flowering canopy, with auto light deprivation. Unlimited water rights per acre. Irrigation in all greenhouses. 7x 40’ containers for drying. Wi
Stock image generated by CannaMLS. Request listing photos from seller.
Address: 22625 nw Gillihan rd
Property is: For lease
The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.
Property type: Agriculture
Monthly lease rate: $ 2,500
Lot size (acres): 3
Address: 22625 nw Gillihan rd
Property is: For lease
The property may be available both for purchase or for lease. Contact listing author for details.
Property type: Agriculture
Monthly lease rate: $ 2,500
Lot size (acres): 3
40k sq’ flowering canopy, with auto light deprivation.
Unlimited water rights per acre.
Irrigation in all greenhouses.
7x 40’ containers for drying. With dehumidifiers.
Amazing soil! 3rd party lab tests for microbiology, and composition.
active license.
will consider selling license separately for $220k
Read about this farm in HIGH TIMES:
Stock image generated by CannaMLS. Request listing photos from seller.